Silicone entered our lives

 Silicone entered our lives

Silicone has entered our lives in different ways.

They are used for fashion and industrial textiles. Like elastomers and rubbers are used for adhesives, bonding agents, textile coatings, lace coating and seam sealers. While fluids and emulsions are used for fabric finishes, fiber lubricants and process aids. 

Silicone coating used in apparel makes it breathable and comfortable. While in industrial applications like automotive, construction and sport goods, silicone coating gives strength, resistance from extreme temperature, moisture, UV rays and fire.

Silicone technology has gained popularity in both fashion and industrial textile applications. In fashion, silicone based textiles have many advantages. It can reduce shrinkage, scratch free, wrinkle free, add softness to the fabric, has higher water repellency. Silicone coating on fabric maintains the suppleness of the fabric and it does not become hard in cold or decay when exposed to high temperature.

Silicones are easy to process and hence cost effective. Silicones can be seen as free flowing resins, rigid plastics, gels, rubber, powders and fluids thinner than water or thick as paste. From these forms of silicone, innumerable silicone based products are designed and manufactured all over the world for various textile and industrial purposes.