Orthosilicates, also known as orthosilicic acid esters, are a class of inorganic compounds that contain the SiO4 4- ion as the fundamental building block. They are widely used as binders in the production of adhesives, coatings, and sealants due to their ability to crosslink and form strong bonds with various substrates, including metals, ceramics, and polymers.

Orthosilicates typically have a tetrahedral structure with silicon at the center and four oxygen atoms at the vertices. They can react with water to form silicic acid, which can further condense to form larger structures such as gels, sols, and networks. This property makes orthosilicates useful in the preparation of coatings and adhesives with controlled viscosities and rheological properties.

Orthosilicates can also be functionalized with various organic groups, such as alkyl, aryl, and epoxy, to tailor their reactivity and compatibility with different substrates. This allows for the development of orthosilicate-based adhesives and coatings with enhanced properties such as improved adhesion, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability.

Overall, orthosilicates offer a versatile solution for improving the performance of coatings and adhesives, making them suitable for a wide range of applications in industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, and construction.
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